2010년 3월 8일 월요일

Please visit my blog!

So today, I decided to add a cluster map to my blog; I wanted to see how many had people had visited my blog. I went to clustrmap.com, filled out the necessary information, logged into to get the url for my cluster map, and added the gadget to my sidebar. After I was done, I took a look at it and saw that there were no red dots anywhere.

I first thought that it was because the number of visitors were too small to show up on the map. I mean, it wasn't like no one had ever visited my blog right?

So I clicked on the map to see how many visitors I recently had and got this...

Pretty depressing right? 0 visits...

But I also think that something is wrong with the map, because I know SOME people came to my blog. My friends-Natalie, Rachel, Jane-came to my blog and commented on some posts. Their visits didn't show up on the map, so....... I'm crossing my fingers that that's what happened and that I didn't REALLY get 0 visits.

So I'm writing this post in hopes that more people will come to my blog and comment... Today, I spent nearly thirty minutes after correcting my Algebra II test going to other people's blogs and writing comments that say "Wow, this is really nice! Can you please come to my at http://christinek13.blogspot.com/?" I'm hoping that those people will reply. (Yeah, you can tell that I am pretty desperate...)

Anyways, I hope that more people visit my blog and if you are someone who is currently visiting my blog viewing this post, please comment on any one of my posts!:)

댓글 2개:

  1. at least i came to your blog!
    i think your blog posts are very interesting~ come to my blog too!
    i wish more ppl. visit blogsssss

  2. hehe thank you:)
    i'll come to your blog, but it seems that your name doesn't lead to your blog.......
