Instead of having club after second block, we attended different informational sessions on different courses, clubs, and electives.
I had absolutely NO IDEA about what courses I wanted to take next year.
I mean I had a vague idea of what courses I should take, but there were some courses that sounded fun but I wasn't sure if I should take it or not.
Most of the courses - AP Biology, AP World History, Digital Journalism, Yearbook, Economics - seemed interesting to me.
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to attend the AP Biology session on Monday because I was at BEIMUN...
I really wanted to go to that session, because it was one of the courses I was interested in...
So I ended up going to the AP World History session on Tuesday and the Digital Journalism session on Thursday. (I also went to Key Club and Art II, but they weren't as important. I mean there is NO WAY I'll ever take art. My art skills are quite... well... dismal.. LOL)
Anyways, from the session, I got the idea that AP World History would be more difficult for me, so I decided that next year, I would go with the easier one: AP Biology. If I had more space, if I had more time, if I was allowed, then I probably would have taken both APs.
I had originally intended to take PE and Asian Studies next year in my sophomore year, but I fell in love with Digital Journalism after attending the informational session. I had also thought that PTV was pretty cool, and I think that Digital Journalism will also be pretty neat. (And I may also get the chance to go to MUN conferences as press! That would be a very different experience from attending them as a delegate...) Therefore, I decided to push back Asian Studies until my senior year and try out Digital Journalism. I hope it's fun:)
Picking classes all week... It got me thinking... Is my freshman year already almost over? Am I becoming a sophomore? It was a weird thought. It seemed like yesterday that I entered high school as a nervous rising freshman. Now, I'm almost done with the year and am becoming a slightly more experienced sophomore. I guess that what the upperclassmen say about time flying in high school is true. My freshman year just flew by like that. I'm hoping that the rest of my years will last longer, especially next year, as I look forward to taking AP Biology and Digital Journalism next year!:)
답글삭제wow AP Biology and Digital Journalism, do you think you'll be able to endure the workload?
Hmmm.... I'm only taking one AP course next year, so I think it will go fine! I hope I do well!:)