Yesterday, I had a quiz in my Algebra II class. It started out as a normal quiz: one page, four questions, worth 10 points. Math is one of the subjects that I worry least about, so I remained pretty calm. We had two parts on our quiz: a part where we weren’t allowed to use the calculator, and a part where we were allowed to. The quiz went pretty well. In fact, it was quite easy. I was the first person to hand it in, and I sat down at my desk fiddling with my TI-84 to check my answers. Then a fellow student came up to me and asked if he could borrow my calculator for his calculator portion of the quiz. I gladly said yes, pressed clear, and lent him my calculator. Now THAT was a big mistake, but I didn’t know that at the moment.
I stared blankly into space as I waited for other students to finish their quiz. Then I noticed that my math teacher was talking to the student I had lent my calculator to. Apparently, we were not allowed to share materials in class, and we had violated that rule with my calculator. He called our actions a “grievous mistake,” and for a moment, I wasn’t sure of what I had done wrong. I didn’t share any answers with the other student; I just handed him my calculator when he asked for it. Moreover, I didn’t know that we weren’t allowed to share materials in class. I later realized that I had acted without much thought: we had violated one of the most vital rules in class of not talking during a quiz, and I had been careless when I handed my fellow student the calculator without thinking of the possible doubts my actions would bring about and the consequences. But at the moment, I felt rather... angry, should I say? I wasn’t aware that we weren’t allowed to share materials, and I was just trying to help a friend out by lending him my calculator when he asked for it and suddenly I was considered a rule breaker and cheater. My math teacher called me outside and told me that nothing negative will happen to me because he trusts me and thinks that I made an honest mistake. Still, I didn’t feel that good when I left the class. And today, I got my quiz back. I did well on it, but my teacher had taken off a point for yesterday’s calculator’s incident. By that time, the anger inside me had died out and there was a new feeling of realization, so I accepted my point deduction without a word. I knew that I had done something wrong. But I hope he’s not mad at me because of the incident.
Speaking of quizzes, I... well... failed my English quiz... It was a pop quiz about the story we had read for homework. The story was rather difficult to understand, and I was nearly half asleep when I was reading it, especially at the ending. And I ended up not doing two questions that I knew the answer to because I didn’t know that we had to do those two questions. Well, I guess it’s all my fault. I have no one to point my finger at. If only I had read the story with more care and listened carefully to directions, I would have done much better. But no time to dwell on the past. I guess I’ll do better next time. In fact I HAVE to. That quiz brought my grade down well....... quite a lot. I hope I can still get an A in the class.
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